Enrichment Activities
Grande Ronde Christian Academy offers a variety of extra curricular activities, groups and enrichment opportunities for our students to participate in.
Student Council
Each year GRCA Student Council members are elected by the student body. The Student Council provides positive student leadership for the school by organizing activities that boost spirit and serving the community. The Council also performs small-scale fund raising activities that benefit all students. This representative body consists of president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, which are elected from students in 6th-8th grade and class representatives from grades 4th-5th. Visit the front office to find out how you can become a GRCA Student Council member!
Praise and Worship Team
The Praise and Worship Team reinforces God's Word by leading us in Chapel each Friday morning. The Praise and Worship team is made up of a select number of students from the 5th-8th grade. Students can participate in a variety of ways, from leading songs on stage to preparing PowerPoint presentations and setting up stage and sound equipment. Students who wish to be involved in the Praise and Worship Team learn to be responsible and dedicated leaders.
Reading with Eastern Oregon University Football Players
Eastern Oregon University football players visit our kindergarten through 4th grade students on a regular basis to read and provide mentoring. These reading buddies develop positive relationships with the students and emphasize the importance of a college education.
Field Trips
Field trips are typically planned to coordinate with the curriculum for enhanced learning, but sometimes we take advantage of an opportunity that may only be available for a limited time. Traditionally, 7th and 8th grade students take an extended field trip each spring, with past field trips involving tours of the State Capitol, OMSI, Portland Zoo, and the Aviation and Space Museum. Each spring, the school also participates in Outdoor Education.